Matt Goeller is a veteran broadcaster, freelance writer, and father of three. He admits he lost his jump shot years ago!
One of my high school friends, Matt Goeller, posted the following thoughts on Facebook. Like him, they are intelligent, articulate, thought-provoking, and maybe just a little contrarian! I appreciate him giving permission to share what he wrote through my blog. You might agree – or disagree – in all or part, but what a great reminder to think carefully about who determines our perceptions of what is happening in front of our very eyes.
So . . . is America at its best ever? Is that remotely possible?
I read a Facebook post from a friend who I know to be thoughtful and reasonably positive. But on this particular day he was questioning the values of our country and its people based on the fact that he had read more about Caitlyn Jenner winning a sports hero award than he had about servicemen being murdered on American soil. His closing comment was a sarcastic one about what a great time it is to be an American.
I feel it is a great time to be an American, but too many of us feel a sense of doom and gloom.
Is it possible that America is no different or even better than it ever was and that you may be using the wrong yardstick to pass judgement on your country and its citizens? Allowing yourself to perceive the values of our nation by what you read or hear about via social media and network news reports is a terrible idea. Both of those types of “reporting” exist for a singular reason that has nothing to do with reporting news. It is there only to provide eyes and ears for advertisers.
Having been a part of the media for many years, I assure you that there is no longer unbiased reporting from most any national venue that calls itself a news outlet. The business model is solely to attract people by any means possible, and right now celebrity information and political name calling is judged as the best way to do it. These organizations care only about how much revenue they can generate by selling advertising – the rate card is based on audience size – and it is strictly a numbers game. More eyes, more clicks to the page, is the only goal. Informing you of anything at all is unimportant, as long as they can attract you to the space.
Is that a too cynical and jaundiced view of the news industry? I would encourage you to use your own eyes and judge for yourself.
I chose long ago to trust my own judgement about Americans. I know that every day I see young people striving for excellence. I see people giving of their time and support to others in need. Everywhere but on the news, I see many more American’s setting aside their differences, embracing their commonality, and simply getting along. I see caring, loving, sacrifice, determination, and more concern for the good of our country than I have ever seen in my fifty-seven years.
I refuse to embrace the media tactics that are designed to drive advertising revenue as my yardstick for measuring my country and its citizens. It pains me to see good people fall in to the trap of allowing their judgement of how things are to be made by the current media standards. I detest the implied media mantra that you either believe as I do or you are worthy of ridicule and hatred. I believe that to be among America’s most significant current problems.
As I go about my daily life, I see something different than that standard. I see a great majority of us; liberal, conservative, atheist, Jew, Christian, Muslim, white, black, red, yellow, old, young, middle class, rich, and poor giving to others in times of need more than ever in my lifetime. I believe it is happening every day in every part of our great land. If I am wrong, so be it, but I choose to judge with my own eyes and not by the bias of a media which delivers information under the guise of news. Information that is almost always opinion, always biased and controversial, and strictly chosen as a part of a process to generate revenue.
Agree? Disagree? What is your yardstick for perceiving how things are in America?
This supposed “news” organization chairman is actually making an open threat to a United States presidential candidate. A perfect and grotesque example of what is wrong with the current state of “network news”. To the network, how about the idea of simply reporting news…and to anyone who chooses to be influenced by this or virtually any other network news organization… might this situation help realize it is time to rethink which sources you choose for information? Tragic.